A set of NeTEx objects as assembled by a publication request or other service. Provides a general purpose wrapper for NeTEx data content.
A coherent set of reference values for TYPE OF VALUEs , ORGANISATIONs, VEHICLE TYPEs etc that have a common validity, as specified by a set of frame VALIDITY CONDITIONs. Used to define common resources that will be referenced by other types of FRAME.
A SERVICE CALENDAR. A coherent set of OPERATING DAYS and DAY TYPES comprising a Calendar. that may be used to state the temporal VALIDITY of other NeTEx entities such as Timetables, STOP PLACEs, etc. Covers a PERIOD with a collection of assignments of OPERATING DAYS to DAY TYPES.
A coherent set of Service data to which the same frame VALIDITY CONDITIONs have been assigned.
A coherent set of SITE data to which the same frame VALIDITY CONDITIONs have been assigned.
A coherent set of timetable data (VEHICLE JOURNEYs and BLOCKs) to which the same VALIDITY CONDITIONs have been assigned.
A container VERSION FRAME that groups a set of content VERSION FRAMsE to which the same VALIDITY CONDITIONs have been assigned.
A Polygon is a special surface that is defined by a single surface patch (see D.3.6). The boundary of this patch is coplanar and the polygon uses planar interpolation in its interior. The elements exterior and interior describe the surface boundary of the polygon.
A Point is defined by a single coordinate tuple. The direct position of a point is specified by the pos element which is of type DirectPositionType.
A LinearRing is defined by four or more coordinate tuples, with linear interpolation between them; the first and last coordinates shall be coincident. The number of direct positions in the list shall be at least four.
A boundary of a surface consists of a number of rings. In the normal 2D case, one of these rings is distinguished as being the exterior boundary. In a general manifold this is not always possible, in which case all boundaries shall be listed as interior boundaries, and the exterior will be empty.
A boundary of a surface consists of a number of rings. The "interior" rings separate the surface / surface patch from the area enclosed by the rings.
This property element either references a point via the XLink-attributes or contains the point element. pointProperty is the predefined property which may be used by GML Application Schemas whenever a GML feature has a property with a value that is substitutable for Point.
The value of this property is a remote text description of the object. The xlink:href attribute of the gml:descriptionReference property references the external description.
The gml:name property provides a label or identifier for the object, commonly a descriptive name. An object may have several names, typically assigned by different authorities. gml:name uses the gml:CodeType content model. The authority for a name is indicated by the value of its (optional) codeSpace attribute. The name may or may not be unique, as determined by the rules of the organization responsible for the codeSpace. In common usage there will be one name per authority, so a processing application may select the name from its preferred codeSpace.
Often, a special identifier is assigned to an object by the maintaining authority with the intention that it is used in references to the object For such cases, the codeSpace shall be provided. That identifier is usually unique either globally or within an application domain. gml:identifier is a pre-defined property for such identifiers.
Copied from full schema, but single instance not in line with EPIP documentation that implies one to many .
Additional Translations of text elements.
Reference to a BRANDING.
The physical (spatial) possibility for a passenger to change from one public transport vehicle to another to continue the trip. Different times may be necessary to cover this link, depending on the kind of passenger
Reference to a country ISO 3166-1 Note that GB is used for UK . May be qualified with a 3166-2 subdivision e.g. gb +m ENG, GB + SCT, GB See www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists.htm
A type of day characterized by one or more properties which affect public transport operation. For example: weekday in school holidays.
In EPIP each DAY TYPE is assigned to a OPERATING PERIOD that defines a set of OPERATING DAY dates.
Description of contents.
A classification for the general orientation of ROUTEs.
A Direction of a ROUTE. One of a restricted set of values. Default is "Outbound"
A group of FLEXIBLE ROUTEs of which is generally known to the public by a similar name or number and which have common booking arrangements.
A group of FLEXIBLE ROUTEs of which is generally known to the public by a similar name or number and which have common booking arrangements.
Flexible properties of a POINT.
Additional characteristics of a FLEXIBLE SERVICE. A service may be partly fixed, partly flexible.
A group of SERVICEs, often known to its users by a name or a number.
Group of STOP PLACEs.
Frequency of service.
A hyperlink to an external web resource.
Two or more JOURNEY PARTs of different VEHICLE JOURNEYs served simultaneously by a train set up by coupling their single vehicles.
Position in train of JOURNEY PART from a given stop. +v1.1.
A group of ROUTEs which is generally known to the public by a similar name or number.
Reference to a LINE.
Reference to a NETWORK.
View of a NOTICE ASSIGNMENT. for use in a specific context. This can be used to embed the notice itself in the context.
A day of public transport operation in a specific calendar. An OPERATING DAY may last more than 24 hours.
Public transport MODES which may be accessed through associated place.
Identifier of system providing data.
Assignment of a SCHEDULED STOP POINT to a STOP PLACE and QUAY, etc.
A type of SITE to or through which passengers may wish to navigate as part of their journey and which is modelled in detail by journey planners.
Specialisation of ENTRANCE of ENTRANCE for a passenger to a POINT OF INTEREST.
A private code that uniquely identifies the element. May be used for inter-operating with other (legacy) systems.
Time of output of data. Preferred format UTC.
A place such as platform, stance, or quayside where passengers have access to PT vehicles, Taxi cars or other means of transportation. A QUAY may contain other sub QUAYs. A child QUAY must be physically contained within its parent QUAY.
A POSTAL ADDRESS to which mail can be sent.
A POINT used to define the shape of a ROUTE through the network.
A POINT where passengers can board or alight from vehicles.
Reference to a TEMPLATE VEHICLE JOURNEY. Note this actually a reference to a SERVICE JOURNEY
The scheduled possibility for transfer of passengers between two SERVICE JOURNEYs at the same or different STOP POINTs.
A LINK between an ordered pair of STOP POINTs. Service links are directional - there will be separate links for each direction of a route.
Version of a named place where public transport may be accessed. May be a building complex (e.g. a station) or an on-street location.
Passenger Entrance to a STOP PLACE.
Type of expected INTERCHANGE at a STOP PLACE for use in journey planners and also for possible legal classification. +v1.1
A ZONE used to define a zonal fare structure in a zone-counting or zone-matrix system.
A VEHICLE JOURNEY with a set of frequencies that may be used to represent a set of similar journeys differing only by their time of departure.
A period in a day, significant for some aspect of public transport, e.g. similar traffic conditions or fare category
A vehicle composed of TRAIN ELEMENTs in a certain order, i.e. of wagons assembled together and propelled by a locomotive or one of the wagons.
Specification of the order of TRAIN ELEMENTs in a TRAIN.
An elementary component of a TRAIN (e.g. wagon, locomotive).
Specification of codes assigned to particular VEHICLE JOURNEYs when operated by TRAINs of COMPOUND TRAINs according to a functional purpose (passenger information, operation follow-up, etc).
TRAIN NUMBER reference.
Requirements for TRAIN SIZe.
Assignment of a scheduled train stop point to a STOP PLACE and quay. etc.
An OPERATING PERIOD coded in UIC style as a bit string between two dates.
Default rating of the STOP PLACE for making interchanges.
Frequency groups defining TEMPLATE JOURNEY. Can only be of one type. EPIP supports only Headway type.
Groupings of Journeys In frame. Can be used to define inbound and outbound beds for a matrix presentation of the JOURNEYs in the TIMETABLE.
A list of alternative Key values for an element.
Categorisation of PLACE. In EPIP STOP PLACEs shall be assigned one of the following two values: •monomodal_stop_place •general_stop_place E.g. ref="epip:monomodal_stop_place"
QUAYs within the STOP PLACE.
Summary indication as to whether the component is considered to be accessible or not. Note that in the context of EPIP, whenever a "partial" LimitationStatus is used, then a "ValidityCondition Description" shall be provided accordingly to explain why the accessibility is only partial. The contained textual information shall be suitable for presentation to the public without further editing.
The ACCESSIBILITY LIMITATIONs that apply to component.
Origin end of CONNECTION.
Destination end of CONNECTION.
Properties of the DAY TYPE.
DEFAULT CONNECTION applies if transferring from this TRANSPORT MODE.
DEFAULT CONNECTION applies if transferring to this TRANSPORT MODE. Note that the from and to attribute can refer the same TRANSPORT MODE, therefore meaning that the default connection information is valid for all connections internal to the referenced place (sic?!).
Identifier of MODE of end point of TRANSFER.
Qualifying name. Place name characters only allowed.
Name of destination to show on side of VEHICLE.
Name of destination to show on front of VEHICLE.
DEITINATION DISPLAY VARIANT for DESTINATION DISPLAY. Variants may be for use in a specifc context or on a specifc media, or a combination of both.
Type of DESTINATION DISPLAY VARIANT. Default is 'any'.
Text to display on the side of the vehicle associated with DESTINATION DISPLAY VARIANT.
Front of vehicle text associated with DESTINATION DISPLAY VARIANT.
Reference to a DIRECTION that runs counter to this DIRECTION.
Identifier of LINE.
Name of LINE.
Short name of LINE.
Flexible service type is FixedPassingTimes/DynamicPassingTimes/FixedHeadwayFrequency (in the last value, this provides a maximum waiting time, but no passing time is defined, all is done dynamically depending on the demand). A NotFlexible value is probably also required to clearly state that a Stop (i.e. Point in JP) is not flexible when others are.
Whether cancellation is always possible (meaning the Operator can decided to cancel, usually because there are not enough people, or they are too busy to run service).
Whether the time of the service may be altered.
Origin associated with this GROUP OF SERVICEs.
Destination associated with this GROUP OF SERVICEs
Destinations associated with this GROUP OF SERVICEs, including via points.
Services in GROUP.
NOTICEs relevant for the whole GROUP OF SERVICEs.
NOTICEs Relevant for this grouping.
Primary TRANSPORT MODE of the group.
Sequence of points in JOURNEY PATTERN Points may be SCHEDULED STOP POINTs or TIMING POINTs. Note that in EPIP there are no TIMING POINTs that are not also SCHEDULED STOP POINTs.
Language whose usage is described.
Usages of language supported. Based on UN terms.
Timezone offset from Greenwich at LOCALE.
Timezone name at LOCALE.
Summer timezone offset if different from Time zone offset.
Default Language for LOCALE. Assume language use is "normally used"
Languages supported at LOCALE.
Language usage.
Maximum number of objects to include in response. If absent, include all instances.
Whether to include in response. elements flagged as deleted. By default this will be false.
Allows requestor to indicate a relative urgency of request. A longer period can be specified for non urgent requests, e.g. to get historic data. If not specified assume best possible response desired, preferably immediate.
Allows requestor to indicate that if data cannot be supplied by a given time it will not be useful. Can be used to prioritize data on systems working at full load.
Preferred language for text elements in response.
Level of detail to return. Default is all. All = Return all data and geometry, but not Xref NoGeometry = Return all, omitting geometry. XRef - Return Xcross Reference data , e.g. links for zones.
Additional transport MODEs for LINE.
Whether real-time data is normally available for LINE.
Not required in EPIP as data may not be available. However note that it is possible to align with SERVICE PATTERN, thus using the SCHEDULED STOP POINTs as a base for creating ROUTE POINTs, the POINTs IN JOURNEY PATTERN for POINTs ON ROUTE, and the SERVICE LINKs for ROUTE LINKs
Timetable documents associated with the LINE, e.g pdf files
Precision for point measurement. In meters.
POINT at which applicability of NOTICE starts.
POINT at which applicability of NOTICE ends. If absent same as Start Point
Address of OPERATOR.
Classification of the POINT OF INTEREST. Reduced to EPIP scope. In the EPIP, only the Name attribute of the PointOfInterestClassificationView will be used for this classification. No standard classification is predefined either by NeTEx, nor by the EPIP.
TOPOGRAPHIC PLACEs that are near to the POINT OF INTEREST or that contain it
Whether nearest crossing to ENTRANCE has dropped kerb.
Default RGB colour value for graphics associated with ENTITY - e.g. for a LINE.
Name of default colour value for graphics associated with ENTITY.
Name of colour system used for ColourName and TextColourName: for example, - RAL, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAL_colour_standard; - DIN 6164 http://www.dtpstudio.de/atlas/farbsysteme/DIN%206164_bs00_3.htm; - Pantone (be aware that Pantone is proprietary), etc.
Default RGB background colour value for text and graphics associated with ENTITY - e.g. of a LINE.
Name of the background colour (in ColourSystem) for text and graphics associated with entity.
Default colour value for text associated with ENTITY.
Name of default colour value (in ColourSystem) for text associated with ENTITY.
Identifier of font for text.
Name of font for text.
Default language for text.
One or more Request filters that specify the data to be included in output. Multiple filters are logically ANDed.
Mandatory in EPIP
Specifies objects to return Use REF with specific value to identify an object. Use REF with blank value to specify all object of the object type. In EPIP used to state the LINE if type of CompositeFrame is for LINE_OFFER
Return all site elements for given place. EPIP can state Topographical Place eg Country, region or area.
Ordered set of points making up a ROUTE.
Reference to the corresponding matching ROUTE in the oppositte direction, if any.
Identifier of ROUTE POINT from which Link starts.
Identifier of ROUTE POINT from which Link ends.
A PUBLIC code that uniquely identifies the STOP POINT.
Categorisation of SCHEDULED STOP POINT.
Presentation values to use when rendering STOP POINT such as a colour. and font.
Accommodation available on service.
Whether nearest crossing to ENTRANCE has dropped kerb.
Primary public transport MODEs that may be accessed through this STOP PLACE.
TARIFF ZONEs into which component falls.
Next SERVICE LINK after STOP POINT in JOURNEY PATTERN visit. EPIP: This attribute shall only be used if multiple SERVICE LINKs are available between two consecutive SCHEDULED STOP POINTs (otherwise the sequence of STOP POINTs IN JOURNEY PATTERN SCHEDULED STOP POINT is sufficient and remains the main way of describing the stop sequence in the EPIP).
Method to Request Stop in this particular service pattern; if none specified, as as per stop.
Nature of use of stop, e.g. access, interchange only, or pass through. Default is Access.
Booking Arrangements for stop if different from those for SERVICE JOURNEY.
EPIP - only headway permitted
The (inclusive) start time.
The (inclusive) end time.
Number of days after start time that end time is.
Number of days after the starting time of the journey if not same calendar day. Default is 0 for same day.
Number of days after the starting time of the journey if not same calendar day. Default is 0 for same day.
Qualifier to use when presenting name to distinguish it from other similarly named elements.
Postcode or partial postcode associated with the area.
TRAIN NUMBER to use when advertising Train to the public.
Relative position of TRAIN ELEMENT.
A specific ENTRANCE to the VEHICLE. E.g. Front, rear.
Number of cars needed in TRAIN.
Nature of Train Size., Short, long, normal. Default is normal.
Short Name for TYPE OF VALUE.
Description of TYPE OF VALUE.
Default image for TYPE OF VALUE.
Default URL for TYPE OF VALUE.
Periodicity of data in frames of this type.
Nature of presence of data in Frames of this type.
Mandatory in EPIP. Default time needed for a traveller to make a TRANSFER.
Time for a traveller familiar with the journey to make transfer.
Time for an Occasional Traveller to make a TRANSFER.
Time for a Mobility Restricted traveller to make a TRANSFER.
Service FACILITY. Set of enumerated FACILITY values (Where available names are based on TPEG classifications, augmented with UIC etc.).
Earliest time that day starts.
Length of day. Used to work out Latest time that day runs to.
Primary LINE in GROUP OF LINEs, if relevant.
Primary Transport MODE of GROUP OF LINES.
Whether the passenger can remain in vehicle (i.e. block linking). Default is false: the passenger must change vehicles for this INTERCHANGE. Default is false.
Whether INTERCHANGE involves crossing an international border. Default is false.
Description of JOURNEY PART.
Facilities available during JOURNEY PART.
Positions in Train of JOURNEY PART.
Main JOURNEY PART for journey.
Point at which this JOURNEY PART starts.
Point at which this JOURNEY PART ends.
Start time of JOURNEY PART.
Number of days after journey start time that start time is.
End time of JOURNEY PART.
Number of days after journey start time that end time is.
Days of week Monday to Sunday, Everyday. Up to seven allowed. Default is Everyday.
Week of Month. (Default is EveryWeek)
For those day types that occur on the same month every year; a month as a number.
For those day types that occur on the same day of the month every year; a a as a number.
For those day types that occur on the same day every year, month and day,
Reference to COUNTRY for Holiday.
Type of holiday. Default is Any day.
Seasons (Default is Perennially)
Relative busyness of day.
Default image for ADDRESSABLE PLACE.
EPIP: Limited to facilities available at STOP PLACE.
Description of VERSION FRAME contents.
Shared VALIDITY CONDITIONs used by elements in the FRAME. Note, this is NOT the "dominant" FRAME validity condition!
Origin end of NAVIGATION PATH. Only needed if detailed PATH LINKs are not given.
Destination end of NAVIGATION PATH. Only needed if detailed PATH LINKs not given.
Time of departure.
Day offset if day of departure time of VEHICLE JOURNEY differs from the current OPERATING DAY.
Total length of Journey. Can be computed from individual times. Add to Departure time to obtain JOURNEY arrival time.
Time of first departure in JOURNEY FREQUENCY GROUP.
Offset days for the start-time. Number of days after the starting operational day if journey does not start on same calendar day as OPERATING DAY date. Default is 0 for same day.
Time of last departure in JOURNEY FREQUENCY GROUP.
Offset days for end time. Number of days after the OPERATING DAY date of the template vehicle journey. Default is 0 for same day.
Mandatory in EPIP.
TRAIN NUMBER(s) associated with SERVICE JOURNEY or part of the SERVICE JOURNEY.
In the EPIP, the JOURNEY PARTs should be embedded in-line with their parent SERVICE JOURNEY.
Facilities available associated with JOURNEY.
Standard transfer duration for INTERCHANGE.
Visit number to distinguish which visit to FROM SCHEDULED STOP POINT this is. Default is one. Only needed for circular routes with connections at the same stop on different visits.
Visit number to distinguish which visit to TO SCHEDULED STOP POINT this is. Default is one. Only needed for circular routes with connections at the same stop on different visits.
MODE of transport of JOURNEY.
NOTICEs relevant for this Journey.
Scheduled normal headway interval.
Name of LEVEL.
Short Name of LEVEL.
Name of LEVEL.
Public code for LEVEL.
Whether level is for public use.
Accessibility values associated with LEVEL.
Whether all areas of the LEVEL are wheelchair accessible.
Edit care class for which capacity is specifyed. Default is any, i.e. capacity is for all classes.
The total capacity of vehicles of the type. For a requirement this is the minimum needed.
The seating capacity of vehicles of the type. For a requirement this is the minimum needed.
The standing capacity of vehicles of the type. For a requirement this is the minimum needed.
The number of special places on vehicles of the type, e.g. seats for the disabled. For a requirement this is the minimum needed.
The number of push chair places on vehicles of the type. For a requirement this is the minimum needed.
The number of wheelchairs places on vehicles of the type. For a requirement this is the minimum needed.
Whether vehicles of the type are self-propelled.
The type of fuel used by a vehicle of the type.
Euroclass of the vehicle type.
The length of a VEHICLE of the type.
The width of a VEHICLE of the type. +v1.1
The length of a VEHICLE of the type. +v1.1
The weight of a VEHICLE of the type. +v1.1
Whether Vehicle is low floor to facilitate access by the mobility impaired.
Whether vehicle has lift or ramp to facilitate wheelchair access.
Whether vehicle has hoist for wheelchair access.
Description of TRAIN COMPONENT.
PROJECTIONs of POINT onto another ENTITY or layer.
Name of Counntry, derivedable from Country Ref.
Reference to a GIS feature identifier.
Road Number.
Road name.
Bearing of Road at point in compass octants to North.
Bearing of Road in absolute degrees against North.
Range of odd house numbers that the ROAD ADDRESS covers.
Range of even house numbers that the ROAD ADDRESS covers.
Train elements to which SCHEDULED STOP POINT is to be assigned.
Whether the POINT may be skipped.
Whether the POINT is on the main ROUTE.
Whether the POINT represents a FLEXIBLE ZONE.
Whether the ZONE is defined by a GROUP of POINT (true) or a geographical zone defined by its boundary.
Number of house on street.
Name of Building.
First line of Address.
Street on which building is found.
Town, City, Village or other named settlement.
Subarea of Town.
Postcode or Zip code of address.
Post code extension.
Postal Region.
Province or State of Country.
Whether the component is Indoors or outdoors. Default is Indoors.
Whether the component is within a gated area or freely accessible without a pass or ticket.
Whether the component is lit or not. Default is well Lit.
Name of a Road that crosses the Road the street near the SITE ELEMENT that can be used to describe its relative location.
Name of a Landmark near the SITE ELEMENT that can be used to describe its relative location.
Ordered collection of TRAIN COMPONENTs making up TRAIN.
Position of JOURNEY PART in TRAIN - from specified SCHEDULED STOP POINT until otherwise stated.
Time of Departure.
Start time of JOURNEY PART.
Number of days after journey start time that start time is.
End time of JOURNEY PART.
Number of days after journey start time that end time is.
Point at which this JOURNEY PART starts.
Point at which this JOURNEY PART ends.
Main Journey JOURNEY PART of coupling.
Contact for Booking. +v1.1
Allowed Ways of Making a BOOKING.
Who can make a booking. Default is public.
When Booking can be made. +V1.1
When purchase can be made. +V1.1
Latest time in day that booking can be made.
Minimum interval in advance of departure day or time that Service may be ordered.
URL for booking. +V1.1
Note about booking the FLEXIBLE LINE.
Whether a PLACE is wheelchair accessible.
Whether a PLACE has escalator free access.
Whether a PLACE has lift free access.
Whether a PLACE has step free access.
Whether a PLACE has Visual signals available for the free access.
Whether a PLACE is wheelchair accessible.
Whether a PLACE allows guide dog access.
Classification of SITE ACCESS FACILITY.
Classification of ACCESSIBILITY INFO FACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
Classification of ACCESSIBILITY TOOLs.
Classification of ACCOMMODATION ACCESS type -
Classification of ACCOMMODATION FACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
Classification of ASSISTANCE FACILITY.
Classification of BERTHFACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
Classification of BOARDING PERMISSION - UIC 7161 Code list.
Classification of BOOKING PROCESS FACILITY type - UIC 7037 Code list.
List of BOOKING PROCESS FACILITies UIC 7037 Code list.
Classification of COUCHETTE FACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
Classification of FAMILY FACILITies.
Classification of FARE CLASSes.
List of FARE CLASSes.
Classification of GROUP FACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
Classification of Hire FACILITY.
List of Hire FACILITies.
Classification of LUGGAGE CARRIAGE FACILITY type.
Classification of LUGGAGE LOCKER FACILITY type.
Classification of LUGGAGE SERVICE FACILITies.
Classification of MEAL FACILITY type.
List of MEAL FACILITies.
Classification of NUISANCE FACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
Classification of MOBILITY FACILITY.
Classification of MONEY FACILITY.
Classification of PARKING FACILITY.
Classification of CAR SERVICE FACILITY.
Classification of PASSENGER INFO FACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
Classification of PASSENGER COMMS FACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
Classification of CATERING FACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
Classification of RESERVATION FACILITY type - UIC 7037 Code list.
List of RESERVATION FACILITies UIC 7037 Code list.
Classification of RETAIL FACILITY.
Classification of SAFETY FACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
Classification of Sanitary FACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
Classification of STAFFING.
Classification of SCOPEs of TICKET, eg national international.
List of SCOPEs of TICKET.
Classification of TICKETING FACILITY type - eg TicketOffice, Machine, etc.
Classification of TICKETING FACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
List of TICKETING SERVICE FACILITies, e.g. purchase, collection. top up.
Classification of MEDICAL FACILITY type - TPEG pti23.
Classification of UIC Rate Type FACILITY type - UIC 5163 Code list.
Classification of UIC Product Characteristics type - UIC 7139 Code list.
List of UIC Product Characteristics UIC 7139 Code list.
VEHICLE MODE: a characterisation of the operation according to the means of transport (bus, tram, metro, train, ferry, ship).
Access MODE for SITEs.
A submode of a Public Transport MODE.
TPEG pti02 Rail submodes loc13. See also See ERA B.4.7009 - Name: Item description code.
TPEG pti03 Coach submodes.
TPEG pti04 Metro submodes.
TPEG pti05 Bus submodes.
TPEG pti06 Tram submodes.
TPEG pti07 Water submodes.
TPEG pti08 Air submodes.
TPEG pti09 Telecabin submodes.
TPEG pti10 Funicular submodes.
TPEG pti11 Taxi submodes.
TPEG pti12 SelfDrive submodes.
Alternative identifier of ENTRANCE shown to Public.
Classification of ENTRANCE. Use EQUIPMENT element to describe in further detail.
Whether ENTRANCE is external to STOP PLACE. Default is true.
Whether ENTRANCE can be used for entry. Default is true.
Whether ENTRANCE can be used for exit. Default is true.
Width of ENTRANCE in metres.
Height of ENTRANCE In metres.
Name of LINK.
Distance of Point on Link from start of LINK.
Name of POINT.
The position of a POINT with a reference to a given LOCATING SYSTEM (e. g. coordinates).
Types of POINT. Used for arbitrary documentation - Specific types of POINTs and LINKs such as ROUTE POINT, TIMING POINT, etc are also proper subtypes of POINT.
PROJECTIONs of POINT onto another ENTITY or layer.
Encoding a GML property inline vs. by-reference shall not imply anything about the "ownership" of the contained or referenced GML Object, i.e. the encoding style shall not imply any "deep-copy" or "deep-delete" semantics. To express ownership over the contained or referenced GML Object, the gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup attribute group may be added to object-valued property elements. If the attribute group is not part of the content model of such a property element, then the value may not be "owned". When the value of the owns attribute is "true", the existence of inline or referenced object(s) depends upon the existence of the parent object.
gml:owns= xsd:booleanXLink components are the standard method to support hypertext referencing in XML. An XML Schema attribute group, gml:AssociationAttributeGroup, is provided to support the use of Xlinks as the method for indicating the value of a property by reference in a uniform manner in GML.
gml:nilReason= gml:NilReasonTypegml:ReferenceType is intended to be used in application schemas directly, if a property element shall use a "by-reference only" encoding.
gml:CodeType is a generalized type to be used for a term, keyword or name. It adds a XML attribute codeSpace to a term, where the value of the codeSpace attribute (if present) shall indicate a dictionary, thesaurus, classification scheme, authority, or pattern for the term.
gml:CodeWithAuthorityType requires that the codeSpace attribute is provided in an instance.
Type for Info LinK.
Type for a reference to a Country Identifier.
A group of VEHICLE JOURNEYs following the same JOURNEY PATTERN and having the same headway interval between a specified start and end time (for example, ‘every 10 minutes’). This is especially useful for presenting passenger information.
EPIP documentation indicates that this should be mandatory.
Type describing common locale dependent properties.
Type for a string in a specified language.
Parameters that affect the request processing. Mostly act to reduce the number of stops returned.
The EPIP documentation mentions Coordinates. Here gml:pos is used to cover that aspect to be compliant with full XSD.
Observe that EPIP states optional(!?) This is not in line with full schema.
Types describing common presentation properties for Display.
Type describing a private code.
EPIP: Can be used to provide a high-level summary of the frame’s contents as parameters that can be used for manual and automated validation.
EPIP: Reduced
SERVICE FACILITies associated with entity.
SITE FACILITies associated with entity.
Only used stuff included for now, add more if needed
In the EPIP, in the interests of standardisation, fixed enumerated values are generally preferred, and the values encoded in schema suffice for most purpose. Some limited us is made of TypeOfValue, however, in particular TypeOfPlace instances are used to define values with which to classify a StopPlace as “general” or “monomodal” . The EPIP values can be considered as “profile metadata” inherent to the EPIP and they can be referenced with external references without being explicitly encode in an EPIP conformant document. However, an explicit encoding is allowed (and enables the checking of references by validators), provided that it conforms to the agreed definition; they should be placed in a ‘EU_PI_METADATA’ frame.).
A JOURNEY FREQUENCY GROUP defines a set of JOURNEYs and a start and end time during which the frequency-based services will run. It is further specialised in order to describe specific frequency behaviour such as headway-based services or rhythmical services. All the journeys in a JOURNEY FREQUENCY GROUP should follow the same JOURNEY PATTERN. When publishing a TEMPLATE JOURNEY, the JOURNEY PATTERN of the first journey in the group will be used to determine the stops visits for the group as a whole, i.e. at which to show the indicated frequency).
A part of a VEHICLE JOURNEY created according to a specific functional purpose, for instance in situations when vehicle coupling or separating occurs.
Type for a list of JOURNEY PART POSITIONs.
Note - Restricted to cover only the basic use cases. May be extended after discussion...
Note - Restricted to cover only the basic use cases. May be extended after discussion...
gml:NilReasonType defines a content model that allows recording of an explanation for a void value or other exception. gml:NilReasonType is a union of the following enumerated values: - inapplicable there is no value - missing the correct value is not readily available to the sender of this data. Furthermore, a correct value may not exist - template the value will be available later - unknown the correct value is not known to, and not computable by, the sender of this data. However, a correct value probably exists - withheld the value is not divulged - other:text other brief explanation, where text is a string of two or more characters with no included spaces and - anyURI which should refer to a resource which describes the reason for the exception A particular community may choose to assign more detailed semantics to the standard values provided. Alternatively, the URI method enables a specific or more complete explanation for the absence of a value to be provided elsewhere and indicated by-reference in an instance document. gml:NilReasonType is used as a member of a union in a number of simple content types where it is necessary to permit a value from the NilReasonType union as an alternative to the primary type.
<enumeration value="inapplicable"/>
<enumeration value="missing"/>
<enumeration value="template"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="withheld"/>
<pattern value="other:\w{2,}"/>
Type for a Colour Value.
<maxLength value="6"/>
Offset from Greenwich in hours. e.g. +5 ,- 2
Offset in days.
List of languages.
Enumeration of Uses of language.
<enumeration value="normallyUsed"/>
<enumeration value="understood"/>
<enumeration value="native"/>
<enumeration value="spoken"/>
<enumeration value="written"/>
<enumeration value="read"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
<enumeration value="allUses"/>
List of of Uses of language.
<pattern value="[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2}){2}(Z|([-+][0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})))?"/>
<xsd:pattern value="^\d\d\d\d-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])Z?([-+](0?[1-9]|1[1-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]))?$"/>
<xsd:pattern value="[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2}){1,2}"
<xsd:pattern value="[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2}){1,2}"
Indicates whether the ENTITY this annotates is available for use. Use of this attribute allows entities to be retired without deleting the details from the dataset.
<enumeration value="active">
<documentation>Entity is active.</documentation>
Classification of modification as addition, deletion or revision. Enumerated value.
<enumeration value="new">
<documentation>This is a definition of a new entity.</documentation>
<enumeration value="revise">
<documentation>This is a revision to an existing entity. All values are replaced.</documentation>
<enumeration value="unchanged">
<documentation>This is a repeat of the values to an entity that has not change since the previous version. All values are replaced.</documentation>
Allowed values for an accessibility value.
<enumeration value="true">
<documentation>All of PLACE is accessible for criteria.</documentation>
<enumeration value="false">
<documentation>PLACE is not considered to meet accessibility criteria.</documentation>
<enumeration value="unknown">
<documentation>It is not known whether PLACE meets accessibility criteria.</documentation>
<enumeration value="partial">
<documentation>Some areas of PLACE are not considered to meet accessibility criteria.</documentation>
Allowed values for Flexible Booking method.
<enumeration value="callDriver"/>
<enumeration value="callOffice"/>
<enumeration value="online"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
<enumeration value="phoneAtStop"/>
<enumeration value="text"/>
<enumeration value="none"/>
List of values for Flexible Booking values.
Allowed values for Booking Access.
<enumeration value="public"/>
<enumeration value="authorisedPublic"/>
<enumeration value="staff"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for Purchase when.
<enumeration value="advanceOnly"/>
<enumeration value="untilPreviousDay"/>
<enumeration value="dayOfTravelOnly"/>
<enumeration value="advanceAndDayOfTravel"/>
<enumeration value="timeOfTravelOnly"/>
<enumeration value="subscriptionChargeMoment"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for Purchase Moment.
<enumeration value="onReservation">
<documentation>Purchase must be made on reservation in advance of travel.</documentation>
<enumeration value="inAdvance">
<documentation>Purchase can be made in advance of travel.</documentation>
<enumeration value="inAdvanceOnly">
<documentation>Purchase can only be made in advance of travel (e.g. for season ticket or advance ticket).</documentation>
<enumeration value="beforeBoarding">
<documentation>Purchase can be made before boarding transport vehicle.</documentation>
<enumeration value="beforeBoardingOnly">
<documentation>Purchase must be made before boarding transport vehicle.</documentation>
<enumeration value="onBoarding">
<documentation>Purchase can be made on boarding transport vehicle.</documentation>
<enumeration value="onBoardingOnly">
<documentation>Purchase can only be made on boarding transport vehicle.</documentation>
<enumeration value="afterBoarding">
<documentation>Purchase can be made after boarding transport vehicle.</documentation>
<enumeration value="onCheckIn">
<documentation>Purchase can be made on entering transport system.</documentation>
<enumeration value="onCheckOut">
<documentation>Purchase can be made on leaving transport system.</documentation>
<enumeration value="subscriptionOnly">
<documentation>Purchase can only be made on subscription.</documentation>
<enumeration value="other">
<documentation>Other moment of Purchase </documentation>
List of Purchase Moment. values.
Allowed values for Booking Process UIC 7037 Code list.
<enumeration value="productNotAvailable">
<documentation>Product is not available.</documentation>
<enumeration value="productNotBookable">
<documentation>Product cannot be booked.</documentation>
<enumeration value="bookableThroughInternationalSystem">
<documentation>Product can be booked online internationally.</documentation>
<enumeration value="bookableThroughNationalSystem">
<documentation>Product can be booked online nationally.</documentation>
<enumeration value="bookableManuallly">
<documentation>Product can only be booked by contacting specific authorised retail outlets</documentation>
<enumeration value="other">
<documentation>Other booking process.</documentation>
Allowed values for public use.
<enumeration value="all"/>
<enumeration value="disabledPublicOnly"/>
<enumeration value="authorisedPublicOnly"/>
<enumeration value="staffOnly"/>
<enumeration value="publicOnly"/>
Allowed values for covered.
<enumeration value="indoors"/>
<enumeration value="outdoors"/>
<enumeration value="covered"/>
<enumeration value="mixed"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
Allowed values for gated.
<enumeration value="gatedArea"/>
<enumeration value="openArea"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
Allowed values for doors status.
<enumeration value="opening"/>
<enumeration value="openDoor"/>
<enumeration value="door"/>
<enumeration value="swingDoor"/>
<enumeration value="revolvingDoor"/>
<enumeration value="automaticDoor"/>
<enumeration value="ticketBarrier"/>
<enumeration value="gate"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for ACCESS SPACE TYPEs.
<enumeration value="concourse"/>
<enumeration value="bookingHall"/>
<enumeration value="forecourt"/>
<enumeration value="underpass"/>
<enumeration value="overpass"/>
<enumeration value="passage"/>
<enumeration value="passageSection"/>
<enumeration value="lift"/>
<enumeration value="gallery"/>
<enumeration value="garage"/>
<enumeration value="shop"/>
<enumeration value="waitingRoom"/>
<enumeration value="restaurant"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
<enumeration value="staircase"/>
<enumeration value="wc"/>
Allowed values for Passage Types.
<enumeration value="none"/>
<enumeration value="pathway"/>
<enumeration value="corridor"/>
<enumeration value="overpass"/>
<enumeration value="underpass"/>
<enumeration value="tunnel"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Types of SITE.
<enumeration value="school"/>
<enumeration value="university"/>
<enumeration value="works"/>
<enumeration value="office"/>
<enumeration value="militaryBase"/>
<enumeration value="retail"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed value for Lighting.
<enumeration value="wellLit"/>
<enumeration value="poorlyLit"/>
<enumeration value="unlit"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for lighting method.
<enumeration value="movementDetector"/>
<enumeration value="stepDetector"/>
<enumeration value="switchOnTheWall"/>
<enumeration value="atDoorOpening"/>
<enumeration value="onlyAtNight"/>
<enumeration value="alwaysOn"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for direction of use.
<enumeration value="up"/>
<enumeration value="down"/>
<enumeration value="both"/>
Allowed value for surface.
<enumeration value="asphalt"/>
<enumeration value="bricks"/>
<enumeration value="cobbles"/>
<enumeration value="earth"/>
<enumeration value="grass"/>
<enumeration value="looseSurface"/>
<enumeration value="pavingStones"/>
<enumeration value="roughSurface"/>
<enumeration value="smooth"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for Sides of handrail.
<enumeration value="none"/>
<enumeration value="oneSide"/>
<enumeration value="bothSides"/>
Allowed values for Gradient steepness.
<enumeration value="verySteep"/>
<enumeration value="steep"/>
<enumeration value="medium"/>
<enumeration value="gentle"/>
<enumeration value="level"/>
Allowed values for entrance attention device.
<enumeration value="none"/>
<enumeration value="doorbell"/>
<enumeration value="helpPoint"/>
<enumeration value="intercom"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for CROSSING EQUIPMENT.
<enumeration value="levelCrossing"/>
<enumeration value="barrowCrossing"/>
<enumeration value="roadCrossing"/>
<enumeration value="roadCrossingWithIsland"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for the necessary force to open a door.
<enumeration value="noForce"/>
<enumeration value="lightForce"/>
<enumeration value="mediumForce"/>
<enumeration value="heavyForce"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
List of values for SITE ACCESS FACILITY.
List of values for ACCOMMODATION ACCESS.
List of values for ASSISTANCE FACILITY.
List of values for BOOKING PROCESS FACILITY UIC 7037 Code list.
List of values for COUCHETTE FACILITY.
List of values for EMERGENCY SERVICE.
List of values for FAMILY FACILITies.
List of values for FARE CLASSes.
List of values for HIRE FACILITY.
List of values for LUGGAGE LOCKER Facility.
List of values for LUGGAGE SERVICE FACILITies.
List of values for MEAL FACILITY.
List of values for MOBILITY FACILITY.
List of values for MONEY FACILITY.
List of values for NUISANCE FACILITY.
List of values for PARKING FACILITY.
List of values for CAR SERVICE FACILITY.
List of values for PASSENGER COMMS FACILITies.
List of values for CATERING FACILITies.
List of values for RESERVATION FACILITY UIC 7037 Code list.
List of values for RESERVED SPACE FACILITies.
List of values for RETAIL FACILITies.
List of values for SAFETY FACILITies.
List of values for GENDER LIMITATION.
List of values for SCOPEs of TICKET.
List of values for TICKETING FACILITies.
List of values for MEDICAL FACILITies.
Allowed values for Accessibility Info.
<enumeration value="audioInformation"/>
<enumeration value="audioForHearingImpaired"/>
<enumeration value="visualDisplays"/>
<enumeration value="displaysForVisuallyImpaired"/>
<enumeration value="largePrintTimetables"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for Mobility Facility: TPEG pti_table 23.
<enumeration value="unknown">
<enumeration value="lowFloor">
<enumeration value="stepFreeAccess">
<enumeration value="suitableForWheelchairs">
<enumeration value="suitableForHeaviliyDisabled"/>
<enumeration value="boardingAssistance">
<enumeration value="onboardAssistance"/>
<enumeration value="unaccompaniedMinorAssistance"/>
<enumeration value="tactilePlatformEdges"/>
<enumeration value="tactileGuidingStrips"/>
Allowed values for Passenger information facility.
<enumeration value="nextStopIndicator"/>
<enumeration value="stopAnnouncements"/>
<enumeration value="passengerInformationDisplay"/>
<enumeration value="realTimeConnections"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for SAFETY Facility.
<enumeration value="ccTv"/>
<enumeration value="mobileCoverage"/>
<enumeration value="sosPoints"/>
<enumeration value="staffed"/>
Allowed values for Site Access Facility. NB. These are the properties of access to a fixed SITE, not to a VEHICLE.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="lift"/>
<enumeration value="wheelchairLift"/>
<enumeration value="escalator"/>
<enumeration value="travelator"/>
<enumeration value="ramp"/>
<enumeration value="automaticRamp"/>
<enumeration value="steps"/>
<enumeration value="stairs"/>
<enumeration value="slidingStep"/>
<enumeration value="shuttle"/>
<enumeration value="narrowEntrance"/>
<enumeration value="barrier"/>
<enumeration value="lowFloorAccess"/>
<enumeration value="validator"/>
Allowed values for Vehicle Access Facility. NB. These are the properties of access to a VEHICLE. +1.1
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="wheelchairLift"/>
<enumeration value="manualRamp"/>
<enumeration value="automaticRamp"/>
<enumeration value="steps"/>
<enumeration value="slidingStep"/>
<enumeration value="narrowEntrance"/>
<enumeration value="validator"/>
Allowed values for Accessibility Tools.
<enumeration value="wheelchair"/>
<enumeration value="walkingstick"/>
<enumeration value="audioNavigator"/>
<enumeration value="visualNavigator"/>
<enumeration value="passengerCart"/>
<enumeration value="pushchair"/>
<enumeration value="umbrella"/>
<enumeration value="buggy"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for Accommodation Access.
<enumeration value="other"/>
<enumeration value="freeSeating"/>
<enumeration value="reservation">
<enumeration value="standing"/>
Allowed values for Accommodation Facility.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="seating"/>
<enumeration value="sleeper"/>
<enumeration value="singleSleeper"/>
<enumeration value="doubleSleeper"/>
<enumeration value="specialSleeper"/>
<enumeration value="couchette"/>
<enumeration value="singleCouchette"/>
<enumeration value="doubleCouchette"/>
<enumeration value="specialSeating"/>
<enumeration value="recliningSeats"/>
<enumeration value="babyCompartment"/>
<enumeration value="familyCarriage"/>
<enumeration value="recreationArea"/>
<enumeration value="panoramaCoach"/>
<enumeration value="pullmanCoach"/>
<enumeration value="standing"/>
Allowed values for Assistance Facility.
<enumeration value="personalAssistance"/>
<enumeration value="boardingAssistance"/>
<enumeration value="wheechairAssistance"/>
<enumeration value="unaccompaniedMinorAssistance"/>
<enumeration value="wheelchairUse"/>
<enumeration value="conductor"/>
<enumeration value="information"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
<enumeration value="none"/>
<enumeration value="any"/>
Allowed values for Assistance Availability.
<enumeration value="none">
<documentation>Assistance is not available.</documentation>
<enumeration value="available">
<documentation>Assistance is nornally available.</documentation>
<enumeration value="availableIfBooked">
<documentation>Assistance is available if booked.</documentation>
<enumeration value="availableAtCertainTimes">
<documentation>Assistance is available at certain times.</documentation>
<enumeration value="unknown">
<documentation>Not known if assistance is available.</documentation>
Allowed values for Berth Facility:
<enumeration value="upper"/>
<enumeration value="lower"/>
<enumeration value="both"/>
Allowed values or Boarding Permission Facility: UIc.
<enumeration value="normal"/>
<enumeration value="earlyBoardingPossibleBeforeDeparture"/>
<enumeration value="lateAlightingPossibleAfterArrival"/>
<enumeration value="overnightStayOnboardAllowed"/>
Allowed values for Couchette Facility: UIc.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="T2"/>
<enumeration value="T3"/>
<enumeration value="C1"/>
<enumeration value="C2"/>
<enumeration value="C4"/>
<enumeration value="C5">
<enumeration value="C6"/>
<enumeration value="wheelchair"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for Emergency Service Facility.
<enumeration value="police"/>
<enumeration value="fire"/>
<enumeration value="firstAid"/>
<enumeration value="sosPoint"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for Family Accommodation.
<enumeration value="none"/>
<enumeration value="servicesForChildren"/>
<enumeration value="servicesForArmyFamilies"/>
<enumeration value="nurseryService"/>
Allowed values for Gender.
<enumeration value="female"/>
<enumeration value="male"/>
Allowed values for Hire Facility.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="carHire"/>
<enumeration value="motorCycleHire"/>
<enumeration value="cycleHire"/>
<enumeration value="taxi"/>
<enumeration value="recreationDeviceHire"/>
Allowed values for Luggage Carriage Facility.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="noBaggageStorage"/>
<enumeration value="baggageStorage"/>
<enumeration value="luggageRacks"/>
<enumeration value="extraLargeLuggageRacks"/>
<enumeration value="baggageVan"/>
<enumeration value="noCycles"/>
<enumeration value="cyclesAllowed"/>
<enumeration value="cyclesAllowedInVan"/>
<enumeration value="cyclesAllowedInCarriage"/>
<enumeration value="cyclesAllowedWithReservation"/>
<enumeration value="vehicleTransport"/>
Allowed values for Luggage Locker Facility.
<enumeration value="other"/>
<enumeration value="lockers">
<enumeration value="oversizeLockers"/>
<enumeration value="leftLuggageCounter"/>
<enumeration value="bikeRack"/>
<enumeration value="cloakroom"/>
Allowed values for Luggage Service Facility.
<enumeration value="other"/>
<enumeration value="leftLuggage"/>
<enumeration value="porterage"/>
<enumeration value="freeTrolleys"/>
<enumeration value="paidTrolleys"/>
<enumeration value="collectAndDeliverToStation"/>
<enumeration value="baggageCheckInCheckOut"/>
Allowed values for MEETING POINT Facility.
<enumeration value="meetingPoint"/>
<enumeration value="groupMeeting"/>
<enumeration value="schoolMeetingPoint"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for Money Facility.
<enumeration value="other"/>
<enumeration value="cashMachine"/>
<enumeration value="bank"/>
<enumeration value="insurance"/>
<enumeration value="bureauDeChange"/>
Allowed values for Meal Facility.
<enumeration value="breakfast"/>
<enumeration value="lunch"/>
<enumeration value="dinner"/>
<enumeration value="snack"/>
<enumeration value="drinks"/>
Allowed values for Nuisance Facility: TPEG pti_table 23.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="smoking"/>
<enumeration value="noSmoking"/>
<enumeration value="familyArea"/>
<enumeration value="childfreeArea"/>
<enumeration value="noAnimals"/>
<enumeration value="breastfeedingFriendly"/>
<enumeration value="mobilePhoneUseZone"/>
<enumeration value="mobilePhoneFreeZone"/>
Allowed values for Parking Facility.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="carPark"/>
<enumeration value="parkAndRidePark"/>
<enumeration value="motorcyclePark"/>
<enumeration value="cyclePark"/>
<enumeration value="rentalCarPark"/>
<enumeration value="coachPark"/>
Allowed values for Car Service Facility.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="carWash"/>
<enumeration value="valetPark"/>
<enumeration value="carValetClean"/>
<enumeration value="oilChange"/>
<enumeration value="engineWarming"/>
<enumeration value="petrol"/>
Allowed values for Medical Service Facility.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="defibrillator"/>
<enumeration value="alcoholTest"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="freeWifi"/>
<enumeration value="publicWifi"/>
<enumeration value="powerSupplySockets"/>
<enumeration value="telephone">
<enumeration value="audioEntertainment">
<enumeration value="videoEntertainment">
<enumeration value="businessServices">
<enumeration value="internet"/>
<enumeration value="postOffice"/>
<enumeration value="postBox"/>
Allowed values for Passenger Information Equipment.
<enumeration value="timetablePoster"/>
<enumeration value="fareInformation"/>
<enumeration value="lineNetworkPlan"/>
<enumeration value="lineTimetable"/>
<enumeration value="stopTimetable"/>
<enumeration value="journeyPlanning"/>
<enumeration value="interactiveKiosk"/>
<enumeration value="informationDesk"/>
<enumeration value="networkStatus"/>
<enumeration value="realTimeDisruptions"/>
<enumeration value="realTimeDepartures"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for Catering Facility: TPEG pti_table 23.
<enumeration value="bar">
<enumeration value="bistro">
<enumeration value="buffet"/>
<enumeration value="noFoodAvailable">
<enumeration value="noBeveragesAvailable">
<enumeration value="restaurant">
<enumeration value="firstClassRestaurant"/>
<enumeration value="trolley">
<enumeration value="coffeeShop"/>
<enumeration value="hotFoodService"/>
<enumeration value="selfService"/>
<enumeration value="snacks">
<enumeration value="foodVendingMachine"/>
<enumeration value="beverageVendingMachine"/>
<enumeration value="miniBar">
<enumeration value="breakfastInCar"/>
<enumeration value="mealAtSeat"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
Allowed values for Reserved Space Facility.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="lounge"/>
<enumeration value="hall"/>
<enumeration value="meetingPoint"/>
<enumeration value="groupPoint"/>
<enumeration value="reception"/>
<enumeration value="shelter"/>
<enumeration value="seats"/>
Allowed values for Retail Facility.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="food"/>
<enumeration value="newspaperTobacco"/>
<enumeration value="recreationTravel"/>
<enumeration value="hygieneHealthBeauty"/>
<enumeration value="fashionAccessories"/>
<enumeration value="bankFinanceInsurance"/>
<enumeration value="cashMachine"/>
<enumeration value="currencyExchange"/>
<enumeration value="tourismService"/>
<enumeration value="photoBooth"/>
Allowed values for Staffing.
<enumeration value="fullTime"/>
<enumeration value="partTime"/>
<enumeration value="unmanned"/>
Allowed values for Ticketing Facility.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="ticketMachines"/>
<enumeration value="ticketOffice"/>
<enumeration value="ticketOnDemandMachines"/>
<enumeration value="mobileTicketing"/>
Allowed values for Scope of Ticket.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="localTicket"/>
<enumeration value="nationalTicket"/>
<enumeration value="internationalTicket"/>
Allowed values for Vehicle Loading Facility.
<enumeration value="none"/>
<enumeration value="loading"/>
<enumeration value="unloading"/>
<enumeration value="additionalLoading"/>
<enumeration value="additionaUnloading"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
Values for Fare Class Facility.
<enumeration value="unknown">
<enumeration value="firstClass">
<enumeration value="secondClass ">
<enumeration value="thirdClass">
<enumeration value="preferente"/>
<enumeration value="premiumClass">
<enumeration value="businessClass">
<documentation>Business Class - pti23_10</documentation>
<enumeration value="standardClass">
<documentation>Standard class Add pti23_7</documentation>
<enumeration value="turista"/>
<enumeration value="economyClass">
<enumeration value="any"/>
Allowed values for Reservation. UIC 7037 Code list.
<enumeration value="reservationsCompulsory"/>
<enumeration value="reservationsCompulsoryForGroups"/>
<enumeration value="reservationsCompulsoryForFirstClass"/>
<enumeration value="reservationsCompulsoryFromOriginStation"/>
<enumeration value="reservationsRecommended"/>
<enumeration value="reservationsPossible"/>
<enumeration value="reservationsPossibleOnlyInFirstClass"/>
<enumeration value="reservationsPossibleOnlyInSecondClass"/>
<enumeration value="reservationsPossibleForCertainClasses"/>
<enumeration value="groupBookingRestricted"/>
<enumeration value="noGroupsAllowed"/>
<enumeration value="noReservationsPossible"/>
<enumeration value="wheelchairOnlyReservations"/>
<enumeration value="bicycleReservationsCompulsory"/>
<enumeration value="reservationsSupplementCharged"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
List of Reservation values.
Allowed values for Group Booking.
<enumeration value="groupsAllowed"/>
<enumeration value="groupsNotAllowed"/>
<enumeration value="groupsAllowedWithReservation"/>
<enumeration value="groupBookingsRestricted"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
List of Group Booking values.
Allowed values for Catering rights.
<enumeration value="mealIncluded"/>
<enumeration value="mealIncludedForFirstClassPassengers"/>
<enumeration value="noMealIncluded"/>
Allowed values for CATERING SERVICEs.
<enumeration value="bar"/>
<enumeration value="beverageVendingMachine"/>
<enumeration value="buffet"/>
<enumeration value="coffeeShop"/>
<enumeration value="firstClassRestaurant"/>
<enumeration value="foodVendingMachine"/>
<enumeration value="hotFoodService"/>
<enumeration value="restaurant"/>
<enumeration value="snacks"/>
<enumeration value="trolleyService"/>
<enumeration value="noBeveragesAvailable"/>
<enumeration value="noFoodServiceAvailable"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for Cycles on Service.
<enumeration value="notAllowed"/>
<enumeration value="onlyFoldingAllowed"/>
<enumeration value="allowedSubjectToRestrictions"/>
<enumeration value="mustBook"/>
<enumeration value="allowedAtAllTimes"/>
Allowed values for Communication Service.
<enumeration value="freeWifi"/>
<enumeration value="publicWifi"/>
<enumeration value="phone"/>
<enumeration value="internet"/>
<enumeration value="mobileCoverage"/>
<enumeration value="videoEntertainment"/>
<enumeration value="audioEntertainment"/>
<enumeration value="postbox"/>
<enumeration value="postOffice"/>
<enumeration value="businessServices"/>
List of Communication Service.
Allowed values for GENDER LIMITATION.
<enumeration value="both"/>
<enumeration value="femaleOnly"/>
<enumeration value="maleOnly"/>
<enumeration value="sameSexOnly"/>
Allowed values for Payment method.
<enumeration value="cash">
<documentation>Payment in coins or notes accepted.</documentation>
<enumeration value="cashExactChangeOnly">
<documentation>Payment in coins or notes accepted, must be exact amount.</documentation>
<enumeration value="cashAndCard">
<documentation>Payment with either cash or debit / credit card accepted.</documentation>
<enumeration value="coin">
<documentation>Payment in specie (coins) only.</documentation>
<enumeration value="banknote">
<documentation>Payment in cash with banknotes (but no coins).</documentation>
<enumeration value="cheque">
<documentation>Payment with personal Bankers' cheque.</documentation>
<enumeration value="travellersCheque">
<documentation>Payment with Traveller's cheque.</documentation>
<enumeration value="postalOrder">
<documentation>Payment by Postal order.</documentation>
<enumeration value="companyCheque">
<documentation>Payment with Company cheque.</documentation>
<enumeration value="creditCard">
<documentation>Payment by credit card (E.g. Visa, MasterCard, etc).</documentation>
<enumeration value="debitCard">
<documentation>Payment by Bank debit card.</documentation>
<enumeration value="cardsOnly">
<documentation>Paymentonly with debit or credit card (no cash).</documentation>
<enumeration value="travelCard">
<documentation>Payment with stored value travel card or smartcard.</documentation>
<enumeration value="contactlessPaymentCard">
<documentation>NFC Payment by contactless credit or debit card </documentation>
<enumeration value="contactlessTravelCard">
<documentation>NFC Payment with stored value travel card or smartcard .</documentation>
<enumeration value="directDebit">
<documentation>Electronic payment by direct debit at retailers request from customer's bank account .</documentation>
<enumeration value="bankTransfer">
<documentation>Electronic payment from customer account to retailers account.</documentation>
<enumeration value="epayDevice">
<documentation>Electronic payment with on device application (e.g. ApplePay, GooglePay etc).</documentation>
<enumeration value="epayAccount">
<documentation>Electronic payment direct from account (e.g. PayPal etc).</documentation>
<enumeration value="sms">
<documentation>Payment by SMS charge to mobile account.</documentation>
<enumeration value="mobilePhone">
<documentation>Payment with mobile device / mobile app.</documentation>
<enumeration value="voucher">
<documentation>Payment with coupons or vouchers.</documentation>
<enumeration value="token">
<documentation>Payment with physical tokens.</documentation>
<enumeration value="warrant">
<documentation>Payment with warrant issued by an organisation (e.g. Army, government).</documentation>
<enumeration value="mileagePoints">
<documentation>Payment in mileage points.</documentation>
<enumeration value="other">
<documentation>Other means of payment .</documentation>
List of payment methods.
Allowed values for Sanitary Facility Type.
<enumeration value="none"/>
<enumeration value="toilet"/>
<enumeration value="wheelChairAccessToilet"/>
<enumeration value="shower"/>
<enumeration value="washingAndChangeFacilities"/>
<enumeration value="babyChange"/>
<enumeration value="wheelchairBabyChange"/>
<enumeration value="shoeShiner"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
List of Sanitary Facilities.
Allowed value for Ticket Types.
<enumeration value="standard"/>
<enumeration value="promotion"/>
<enumeration value="concession"/>
<enumeration value="group"/>
<enumeration value="season"/>
<enumeration value="carnet"/>
<enumeration value="travelCard"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
<enumeration value="all"/>
List of Ticket Types.
Allowed value for Ticketing Service.
<enumeration value="purchase"/>
<enumeration value="collection"/>
<enumeration value="cardTopUp"/>
<enumeration value="reservations"/>
<enumeration value="exchange"/>
<enumeration value="refund"/>
<enumeration value="renewal"/>
<enumeration value="excessFares"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
<enumeration value="all"/>
List of Ticketing Services.
UIC Product Characteristic UIC 7139 Code list.
<enumeration value="tariffCommunVoyageurs"/>
<enumeration value="allIInclusivePrice"/>
<enumeration value="eastWestTariff"/>
<enumeration value="trainWithTcvAndMarketPrice"/>
<enumeration value="noPublishedTariff"/>
UIC Rate Type UIC 5263Code list.
<enumeration value="normal"/>
<enumeration value="discountInTrainOtherThanTGV"/>
<enumeration value="specialFare"/>
<enumeration value="supplement"/>
<enumeration value="noPublishedTariff"/>
List of values for UIC Rate Type FACILITY UIC 5163 Code list.
List of values for UIC Product Characteristics UIC 7139 Code list.
16 point compass.
<enumeration value="SW"/>
<enumeration value="SE"/>
<enumeration value="NW"/>
<enumeration value="NE"/>
<enumeration value="W"/>
<enumeration value="E"/>
<enumeration value="S"/>
<enumeration value="N"/>
Allowed values for classifying TOPOGRAPHIC PLACEs.
<enumeration value="continent"/>
<enumeration value="interregion"/>
<enumeration value="country"/>
<enumeration value="principality"/>
<enumeration value="state"/>
<enumeration value="province">
<documentation>Country, province, principality - e.g. E.g. England, Wales.</documentation>
<enumeration value="region"/>
<enumeration value="county"/>
<enumeration value="area"/>
<enumeration value="conurbation"/>
<enumeration value="city">
<documentation>Locality is a city.</documentation>
<enumeration value="municipality"/>
<enumeration value="quarter"/>
<enumeration value="suburb">
<documentation>Locality is an urban sub-area.</documentation>
<enumeration value="town">
<documentation>Locality is a town.</documentation>
<enumeration value="urbanCentre">
<documentation>Locality is a City Centre or Town Centre ZONE of another town or city locality.</documentation>
<enumeration value="district"/>
<enumeration value="parish"/>
<enumeration value="village">
<documentation>Locality is a village.</documentation>
<enumeration value="hamlet">
<documentation>Locality is a hamlet.</documentation>
<enumeration value="placeOfInterest">
<documentation>Locality is a place of interest whose name is distinct from another locality.</documentation>
<enumeration value="other">
<documentation>Locality is none of the other types.</documentation>
<enumeration value="unrecorded">
<documentation>Locality type is not yet specified.</documentation>
Allowed values for INTERCHANGE Weighting.
<enumeration value="noInterchange"/>
<enumeration value="interchangeAllowed"/>
<enumeration value="recommendedInterchange"/>
<enumeration value="preferredInterchange"/>
Allowed values for INTERCHANGE classification at a STOP PLACE. +v1.1
<enumeration value="international"/>
<enumeration value="national"/>
<enumeration value="regional"/>
<enumeration value="local"/>
Allowed values for MODES of Public Transport applicable to timetabled public transport.
<enumeration value="air"/>
<enumeration value="bus"/>
<enumeration value="coach"/>
<enumeration value="ferry"/>
<enumeration value="metro"/>
<enumeration value="rail"/>
<enumeration value="trolleyBus"/>
<enumeration value="tram"/>
<enumeration value="water"/>
<enumeration value="cableway"/>
<enumeration value="funicular"/>
<enumeration value="lift"/>
<enumeration value="snowAndIce"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for List of PT MODES of transport applicable to timetabled public transport.
Allowed values for List of PT MODES of transport applicable to timetabled public transport.
Allowed values for MODES of Transport : TPEG pti_table 01.
<enumeration value="all"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="bus"/>
<enumeration value="trolleyBus"/>
<enumeration value="tram"/>
<enumeration value="coach"/>
<enumeration value="rail"/>
<enumeration value="intercityRail"/>
<enumeration value="urbanRail"/>
<enumeration value="metro"/>
<enumeration value="air"/>
<enumeration value="water"/>
<enumeration value="cableway"/>
<enumeration value="funicular"/>
<enumeration value="snowAndIce"/>
<enumeration value="taxi"/>
<enumeration value="selfDrive">
<documentation>See pti12_x.</documentation>
<!-- NOT IN tpeg -->
Allowed values for Notice delivery media type.
<enumeration value="any"/>
<enumeration value="printed"/>
<enumeration value="textToSpeech"/>
<enumeration value="recordedAnnouncement"/>
<enumeration value="web"/>
<enumeration value="mobile"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
List of Allowed values for ORGANISATION TYPE.
Allowed values for ORGANISATION TYPE.
<enumeration value="authority">
<documentation>ORGANISATION is a Transport Authority or Agency.</documentation>
<enumeration value="operator">
<documentation>ORGANISATION is a Public Transport OPERATOR.</documentation>
<enumeration value="railOperator">
<documentation>ORGANISATION is a Rail OPERATOR.</documentation>
<enumeration value="railFreightOperator">
<documentation>ORGANISATION is a rail freight OPERATOR.</documentation>
<enumeration value="statutoryBody">
<documentation>ORGANISATION is a statutory body or government department.</documentation>
<enumeration value="facilityOperator">
<documentation>ORGANISATION operates a facility such as a station.</documentation>
<enumeration value="travelAgent">
<documentation>ORGANISATION is a Travel Agent.</documentation>
<enumeration value="servicedOrganisation">
<documentation>ORGANISATION is a business or organisation served by public transport.</documentation>
<enumeration value="retailConsortium">
<documentation>ORGANISATION is a trade association representing independent retailers.</documentation>
<enumeration value="other">
<documentation>Other type of ORGANISATION.</documentation>
Allowed values for DIRECTION.
<enumeration value="inbound"/>
<enumeration value="outbound"/>
<enumeration value="clockwise"/>
<enumeration value="anticlockwise"/>
Allowed values for Stop RequestMethod
<enumeration value="noneRequired">
<documentation>No action required to request stop</documentation>
<enumeration value="handSignal">
<documentation>Make hand signal to request stop</documentation>
<enumeration value="turnOnLight">
<documentation>Call number to request stop</documentation>
<enumeration value="stopButton">
<documentation>Press button at stop to request stop</documentation>
<enumeration value="phoneCall">
<documentation>Call number to request stop</documentation>
<enumeration value="mobileApp">
<documentation>Use mobile Application to request stop</documentation>
<enumeration value="sms">
<documentation>Use Sms to request stop</documentation>
<enumeration value="other">
<documentation>Use other method to request stop</documentation>
Allowed values for Stop Use.
<enumeration value="access">
<documentation>Stop May be used to access transport system.</documentation>
<enumeration value="interchangeOnly">
<documentation>Stop may only be used for interchange. Passengers may not enter or exit the station.</documentation>
<enumeration value="passthrough">
<documentation>Vehicle passes through without stopping.</documentation>
<enumeration value="noBoardingOrAlighting"/>
Allowed values for TYPE OF TIMING POINT.
<enumeration value="timingPoint"/>
<enumeration value="secondaryTimingPoint"/>
<enumeration value="notTimingPoint"/>
Types of STOP PLACE.
<enumeration value="onstreetBus"/>
<enumeration value="onstreetTram"/>
<enumeration value="airport"/>
<enumeration value="railStation"/>
<enumeration value="metroStation"/>
<enumeration value="busStation"/>
<enumeration value="coachStation"/>
<enumeration value="tramStation"/>
<enumeration value="harbourPort"/>
<enumeration value="ferryPort"/>
<enumeration value="ferryStop"/>
<enumeration value="liftStation"/>
<enumeration value="vehicleRailInterchange"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for TEMPLATE VEHICLE JOURNEY type.
<enumeration value="headway">
<documentation>INTERCHANGE is considered a possible connection between journeys.</documentation>
<enumeration value="rhythmic">
<documentation>INTERCHANGE is advertised to public as a possible connection between journeys.</documentation>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for FlexibleLINE TYPE.
<enumeration value="corridorService"/>
<enumeration value="mainRouteWithFlexibleEnds"/>
<enumeration value="flexibleAreasOnly"/>
<enumeration value="hailAndRideSections"/>
<enumeration value="fixedStopAreaWide"/>
<enumeration value="freeAreaAreaWide"/>
<enumeration value="mixedFlexible"/>
<enumeration value="mixedFlexibleAndFixed"/>
<enumeration value="fixed"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for TYPE OF TRAIIN ELEMENT.
<enumeration value="normal"/>
<enumeration value="short"/>
<enumeration value="long"/>
Allowed values for Vehicle Orientation.
<enumeration value="forwards"/>
<enumeration value="backwards"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
Allowed values for TYPE OF TRAIIN ELEMENT.
<enumeration value="buffetCar"/>
<enumeration value="carriage"/>
<enumeration value="engine"/>
<enumeration value="carTransporter"/>
<enumeration value="sleeperCarriage"/>
<enumeration value="luggageVan"/>
<enumeration value="restaurantCarriage"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Classification of modification as addition, deletion, revision or delta only. Enumerated value.
<enumeration value="all">
<documentation>This incldues definitions of one ore more new entities.</documentation>
<enumeration value="changesOnly">
<documentation>This is just the modifications (addition, revision, deletion); entities which are unchanged are omitted.</documentation>
System of units.
<enumeration value="SiMetres">
<documentation>All measurements are SI metric.
Distance = Metres
Length = Metres
Weight = Kilos
Speed = Metres per second.</documentation>
<enumeration value="SiKilometresAndMetres">
<documentation>All measurements are SI
Distance = Kilometres
Length = Metres
Weight = Kilos
Speed = Metres per second.</documentation>
<enumeration value="SiKilometresAndMetres">
<documentation>TYPO - DEPRECATED.</documentation>
<enumeration value="Other"/>
Length type for short distances. System for Units can be specified on frame. Normally (metres) as defined by http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/xml/resource/units.xml#metres.
Distance type for long distances. System for Units can e specified on frame (metres) as defined by http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/xml/resource/units.xml#metres.
Weight type for mass. System for Units can be specified on Frame. Normal default is (kilos) as defined by http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/xml/resource/units.xml#metres.
Speed type for velocity. System for units can be specified on frame. Normal default is metres per second as defined by http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/xml/resource/units.xml#metres.
Type for a Currency . Based on ISO 4717 values.
<minLength value="3"/>
<maxLength value="3"/>
<pattern value="[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]"/>
Allowed values for Stakeholder Roles.
<enumeration value="Planning"/>
<enumeration value="Operation"/>
<enumeration value="Control"/>
<enumeration value="Reservation"/>
<enumeration value="EntityLegalOwnership"/>
<enumeration value="FareManagement"/>
<enumeration value="SecurityManagement"/>
<enumeration value="DataRegistrar"/>
<enumeration value="Other"/>
List of Allowed values for Stakeholder Roles.
Allowed values for Administrative Roles.
<enumeration value="all"/>
<enumeration value="creates"/>
<enumeration value="augments"/>
<enumeration value="validates"/>
<enumeration value="collects"/>
<enumeration value="aggregates"/>
<enumeration value="distributes"/>
<enumeration value="secures"/>
<enumeration value="redistributes"/>
<enumeration value="owns"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
List of Allowed values for Data e Roles.
Allowed values for Types of VERSION.
<enumeration value="point"/>
<enumeration value="baseline"/>
Allowed values for nature of reference.
<enumeration value="members">
<documentation source="comment">Include elements that meet selection criteria (e.g. validity condition).</documentation>
<enumeration value="memberReferences">
<documentation source="Comment">Include elements that are referenced by primary element. E.g. TYPES OF VALUE, OPERATOR etc.</documentation>
<enumeration value="all">
<documentation source="comment">Include all elements.</documentation>
Allowed values for Mandatory.
<enumeration value="required">
<documentation source="comment">Include elements that meet selection criteria (e.g. validity condition).</documentation>
<enumeration value="optional">
<documentation source="Comment">Include elements that are referenced by primary element. E.g. TYPES OF VALUE, OPERATOR etc.</documentation>
<enumeration value="notAllowed">
<documentation source="comment">Include all elements.</documentation>
A type with no allowed content, used when simply the presence of an element is significant.
<enumeration value=""/>
Detail Levels for Network Request.
<enumeration value="All"/>
<enumeration value="Basic"/>
<enumeration value="NoGeometry"/>
<enumeration value="Xref"/>
<enumeration value="AllWithXref"/>
Detail Levels for Network Request.
Allowed values for List of Days of the Week.
Allowed values for Day of the Week.
<enumeration value="Monday"/>
<enumeration value="Tuesday"/>
<enumeration value="Wednesday"/>
<enumeration value="Thursday"/>
<enumeration value="Friday"/>
<enumeration value="Saturday"/>
<enumeration value="Sunday"/>
<enumeration value="Everyday"/>
<enumeration value="Weekdays"/>
<enumeration value="Weekend"/>
<enumeration value="none"/>
Allowed values for Weeks of the Month.
<enumeration value="1"/>
<enumeration value="2"/>
<enumeration value="3"/>
<enumeration value="4"/>
<enumeration value="5"/>
<enumeration value="EveryWeek"/>
Allowed values for List of Weeks of the month.
Allowed values for Week of the Month.
<enumeration value="1"/>
<enumeration value="2"/>
<enumeration value="3"/>
<enumeration value="4"/>
<enumeration value="5"/>
<enumeration value="EveryWeek"/>
Allowed values for Weeks of the month.
Allowed values for Holiday types.
<enumeration value="AnyDay"/>
<enumeration value="WorkingDay"/>
<enumeration value="SchoolDay"/>
<enumeration value="NotHoliday"/>
<enumeration value="NotWorkingDay"/>
<enumeration value="NotSchoolDay"/>
<enumeration value="AnyHoliday"/>
<enumeration value="LocalHoliday"/>
<enumeration value="RegionalHoliday"/>
<enumeration value="NationalHoliday"/>
<enumeration value="HolidayDisplacementDay"/>
<enumeration value="EveOfHoliday"/>
Allowed values for List of Seasons.
Allowed values for Season.
<enumeration value="Spring"/>
<enumeration value="Summer"/>
<enumeration value="Autumn"/>
<enumeration value="Winter"/>
<enumeration value="Perennially"/>
Allowed values for List of Tides.
Allowed values for Tides.
<enumeration value="HighTide"/>
<enumeration value="LowTide"/>
<enumeration value="NeapTide"/>
<enumeration value="AllTides"/>
Allowed values for Crowdedness.
<enumeration value="veryQuiet"/>
<enumeration value="quiet"/>
<enumeration value="normal"/>
<enumeration value="busy"/>
<enumeration value="veryBusy"/>
Allowed values for DAY EVENT.
<enumeration value="anyDay"/>
<enumeration value="normalDay"/>
<enumeration value="marketDay"/>
<enumeration value="matchDay"/>
<enumeration value="eventDay"/>
Longitude from Greenwich.
<minInclusive value="-180"/>
<maxInclusive value="180"/>
Latitude from equator.
<minInclusive value="-90"/>
<maxInclusive value="90"/>
Altitude metres from sea level.
<minInclusive value="-1000"/>
<maxInclusive value="+5000"/>
Allowed values for Access MODEs for SITEs.
<enumeration value="foot"/>
<enumeration value="bicycle"/>
<enumeration value="boat"/>
<enumeration value="car"/>
<enumeration value="taxi"/>
<enumeration value="shuttle"/>
<enumeration value="ski"/>
<enumeration value="skate"/>
Allowed values for List of MODES of transport applicable to timetabled public transport.
Allowed values for Periodicity of data in FRAME TYPE.
<enumeration value="annual"/>
<enumeration value="quarterly"/>
<enumeration value="monthly"/>
<enumeration value="weekly"/>
<enumeration value="daily"/>
Allowed values for Nature of data in frame.
<enumeration value="planned"/>
<enumeration value="operational"/>
<enumeration value="contingencyPlan"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for r MODES: TPEG pti_table 01.
<enumeration value="all"/>
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="air"/>
<enumeration value="bus"/>
<enumeration value="trolleyBus"/>
<enumeration value="tram"/>
<enumeration value="coach"/>
<enumeration value="rail"/>
<enumeration value="intercityRail"/>
<enumeration value="urbanRail"/>
<enumeration value="metro"/>
<enumeration value="water"/>
<enumeration value="cableway"/>
<enumeration value="funicular"/>
<enumeration value="lift"/>
<enumeration value="snowAndIce"/>
<enumeration value="taxi"/>
<enumeration value="selfDrive">
<documentation>See pti12_x.</documentation>
<enumeration value="foot"/>
<enumeration value="bicycle"/>
<enumeration value="motorcycle"/>
<enumeration value="car"/>
<enumeration value="shuttle"/>
<!-- NOT IN tpeg -->
<!-- NOT IN tpeg -->
Values for Rail MODEs of TRANSPORT: TPEG pti_table_02, train link loc_table_13.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="local"/>
<enumeration value="highSpeedRail">
<documentation>See ERA B.4.7009 - Name: Item description code: (8 high speed train).
Long distance train formed by a unit capable for high speed running on high speed or normal lines most modern train unit</documentation>
<enumeration value="suburbanRailway">
<documentation>See ERA B.4.7009 - Name: Item description code: . (12 suburban)
Regional train organised by the regional government public transport in and around cities, running on its own freeways underground or overground, operational running with signals</documentation>
<enumeration value="regionalRail">
<documentation>See ERA B.4.7009 - Name: Item description code. (11 Regional)
Regional train organised by the regional government even if formed by a unit capable for high speed running on high speed lines</documentation>
<enumeration value="interregionalRail">
<documentation>See ERA B.4.7009 - Name: Item description code: (10 Interregional)
Regional train running in more than one region.</documentation>
<enumeration value="longDistance">
<documentation>See ERA B.4.7009 - Name: Item description code: (9 Intercity).
Long distance train formed by a unit capable for high speed or not running on high speed or normal lines modern train unit high quality service restricted stopping pattern</documentation>
<enumeration value="international"/>
<enumeration value="sleeperRailService"/>
<enumeration value="nightRail"/>
<enumeration value="carTransportRailService">
<documentation>See ERA B.4.7009 - Name: Item description code: (14 Motor rail)
Service transporting passenger's motor vehicle passengers are admitted either with vehicle only or with or without vehicle
Service mode</documentation>
<enumeration value="touristRailway">
<documentation>See ERA B.4.7009 - Name: Item description code: (16 Historic train).</documentation>
<enumeration value="airportLinkRail"/>
<enumeration value="railShuttle"/>
<enumeration value="replacementRailService"/>
<enumeration value="specialTrain"/>
<enumeration value="crossCountryRail"/>
<enumeration value="rackAndPinionRailway">
<documentation>See ERA B.4.7009 - Name: Item description code: (15 Mountain train)
Local train adapted for running in mountain railway lines.</documentation>
Values for Coach MODEs of TRANSPORT: TPEG pti_table_03.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="undefined"/>
<enumeration value="internationalCoach"/>
<enumeration value="nationalCoach"/>
<enumeration value="shuttleCoach"/>
<enumeration value="regionalCoach"/>
<enumeration value="specialCoach"/>
<enumeration value="schoolCoach"/>
<enumeration value="sightseeingCoach"/>
<enumeration value="touristCoach"/>
<enumeration value="commuterCoach"/>
Values for Metro MODEs of TRANSPORT: TPEG pti_table_04.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="undefined"/>
<enumeration value="metro"/>
<enumeration value="tube"/>
<enumeration value="urbanRailway"/>
Values for Bus MODEs of TRANSPORT: TPEG pti_table_05, col_table_10.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="undefined"/>
<enumeration value="localBus"/>
<enumeration value="regionalBus"/>
<enumeration value="expressBus"/>
<enumeration value="nightBus"/>
<enumeration value="postBus"/>
<enumeration value="specialNeedsBus"/>
<enumeration value="mobilityBus"/>
<enumeration value="mobilityBusForRegisteredDisabled"/>
<enumeration value="sightseeingBus"/>
<enumeration value="shuttleBus"/>
<enumeration value="highFrequencyBus"/>
<enumeration value="dedicatedLaneBus"/>
<enumeration value="schoolBus"/>
<enumeration value="schoolAndPublicServiceBus"/>
<enumeration value="railReplacementBus"/>
<enumeration value="demandAndResponseBus"/>
<enumeration value="airportLinkBus"/>
Values for Tram MODEs of TRANSPORT: TPEG pti_table_06, col_table_12.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="undefined"/>
<enumeration value="cityTram"/>
<enumeration value="localTram"/>
<enumeration value="regionalTram"/>
<enumeration value="sightseeingTram"/>
<enumeration value="shuttleTram"/>
<enumeration value="trainTram"/>
Values for Water MODEs of TRANSPORT: TPEG pti_table_07.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="undefined"/>
<enumeration value="internationalCarFerry"/>
<enumeration value="nationalCarFerry"/>
<enumeration value="regionalCarFerry"/>
<enumeration value="localCarFerry"/>
<enumeration value="internationalPassengerFerry"/>
<enumeration value="nationalPassengerFerry"/>
<enumeration value="regionalPassengerFerry"/>
<enumeration value="localPassengerFerry"/>
<enumeration value="postBoat"/>
<enumeration value="trainFerry"/>
<enumeration value="roadFerryLink"/>
<enumeration value="airportBoatLink"/>
<enumeration value="highSpeedVehicleService"/>
<enumeration value="highSpeedPassengerService"/>
<enumeration value="sightseeingService"/>
<enumeration value="schoolBoat"/>
<enumeration value="cableFerry"/>
<enumeration value="riverBus"/>
<enumeration value="scheduledFerry"/>
<enumeration value="shuttleFerryService"/>
<enumeration value="canalBarge">
<documentation source="Not in TPEG"/>
Values for Air MODEs of TRANSPORT: TPEG pti_table_08.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="undefined"/>
<enumeration value="internationalFlight"/>
<enumeration value="domesticFlight"/>
<enumeration value="intercontinentalFlight"/>
<enumeration value="domesticScheduledFlight"/>
<enumeration value="shuttleFlight"/>
<enumeration value="intercontinentalCharterFlight"/>
<enumeration value="internationalCharterFlight"/>
<enumeration value="roundTripCharterFlight"/>
<enumeration value="sightseeingFlight"/>
<enumeration value="helicopterService"/>
<enumeration value="domesticCharterFlight"/>
<enumeration value="SchengenAreaFlight"/>
<enumeration value="airshipService"/>
<enumeration value="shortHaulInternationalFlight"/>
Values for Telecabin MODEs of TRANSPORT: TPEG pti_table_09, col_table_14.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="undefined"/>
<enumeration value="telecabin"/>
<enumeration value="cableCar"/>
<enumeration value="lift"/>
<enumeration value="chairLift"/>
<enumeration value="dragLift"/>
<enumeration value="telecabinLink"/>
Values for Funicular MODEs of TRANSPORT: TPEG pti_table_10.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="funicular"/>
<enumeration value="streetCableCar"/>
<enumeration value="allFunicularServices"/>
<enumeration value="undefinedFunicular"/>
Values for Taxi MODEs of TRANSPORT: TPEG pti_table_11.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="undefined"/>
<enumeration value="communalTaxi"/>
<enumeration value="charterTaxi"/>
<enumeration value="waterTaxi"/>
<enumeration value="railTaxi"/>
<enumeration value="bikeTaxi"/>
<enumeration value="blackCab"/>
<enumeration value="miniCab"/>
<enumeration value="allTaxiServices"/>
Values for SelfDrive MODEs of TRANSPORT: TPEG pti_table_12.
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="undefined"/>
<enumeration value="hireCar"/>
<enumeration value="hireVan"/>
<enumeration value="hireMotorbike"/>
<enumeration value="hireCycle"/>
<enumeration value="allHireVehicles"/>
Values for Snow and Ice SUBMODEs of TRANSPORT
<enumeration value="unknown"/>
<enumeration value="undefined"/>
<enumeration value="snowMobile"/>
<enumeration value="snowCat"/>
<enumeration value="snowCoach"/>
<enumeration value="terraBus"/>
<enumeration value="windSled"/>
<!--offroad bus-->
Allowed values for QUAY Component Types.
<enumeration value="airlineGate"/>
<enumeration value="railPlatform"/>
<enumeration value="metroPlatform"/>
<enumeration value="coachStop"/>
<enumeration value="busStop"/>
<enumeration value="busPlatform"/>
<enumeration value="busBay"/>
<enumeration value="tramPlatform"/>
<enumeration value="tramStop"/>
<enumeration value="boatQuay"/>
<enumeration value="ferryLanding"/>
<enumeration value="telecabinePlatform"/>
<enumeration value="taxiStand"/>
<enumeration value="setDownPlace"/>
<enumeration value="vehicleLoadingPlace"/>
<enumeration value="multimodal"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for flexible service type: FixedPassingTimes, DynamicPassingTimes, FixedHeadwayFrequency.
<enumeration value="dynamicPassingTimes"/>
<enumeration value="fixedHeadwayFrequency"/>
<enumeration value="fixedPassingTimes"/>
<enumeration value="notFlexible"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Enumeration of Uses of language.
<enumeration value="contact"/>
<enumeration value="resource"/>
<enumeration value="info"/>
<enumeration value="image"/>
<enumeration value="document"/>
<enumeration value="timetableDocument"/>
<enumeration value="fareSheet"/>
<enumeration value="dataLicence"/>
<enumeration value="map"/>
<enumeration value="icon"/>
<enumeration value="other"/>
Allowed values for classifying Countries ISO 3166-1 (2 character ISO code).
<enumeration value="ac">
<documentation>Ascension Island.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ad">
<enumeration value="ae">
<documentation>United Arab Emirates.</documentation>
<enumeration value="af">
<enumeration value="ag">
<documentation>Antigua and Barbuda.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ai">
<enumeration value="al">
<enumeration value="am">
<enumeration value="an">
<documentation>Netherlands Antilles.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ao">
<enumeration value="aq">
<enumeration value="ar">
<enumeration value="as">
<documentation>American Samoa.</documentation>
<enumeration value="at">
<enumeration value="au">
<enumeration value="aw">
<enumeration value="az">
<enumeration value="ax">
<documentation>Aland Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ba">
<documentation>Bosnia and Herzegovina.</documentation>
<enumeration value="bb">
<enumeration value="bd">
<enumeration value="be">
<enumeration value="bf">
<documentation>Burkina Faso.</documentation>
<enumeration value="bg">
<enumeration value="bh">
<enumeration value="bi">
<enumeration value="bj">
<enumeration value="bm">
<enumeration value="bn">
<documentation>Brunei Darussalam.</documentation>
<enumeration value="bo">
<enumeration value="br">
<enumeration value="bs">
<enumeration value="bt">
<enumeration value="bv">
<documentation>Bouvet Island.</documentation>
<enumeration value="bw">
<enumeration value="by">
<enumeration value="bz">
<enumeration value="ca">
<enumeration value="cc">
<documentation>Cocos (Keeling) Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="cd">
<documentation>Congo, The Democratic Republic of the.</documentation>
<enumeration value="cf">
<documentation>CEN tral African Republic.</documentation>
<enumeration value="cg">
<documentation>Congo, Republic of.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ch">
<enumeration value="ci">
<documentation>Cote d'Ivoire.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ck">
<documentation>Cook Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="cl">
<enumeration value="cm">
<enumeration value="cn">
<enumeration value="co">
<enumeration value="cr">
<documentation>Costa Rica.</documentation>
<enumeration value="cs">
<documentation>Serbia and Montenegro.</documentation>
<enumeration value="cu">
<enumeration value="cv">
<documentation>Cape Verde.</documentation>
<enumeration value="cx">
<documentation>Christmas Island.</documentation>
<enumeration value="cy">
<enumeration value="cz">
<documentation>Czech Republic.</documentation>
<enumeration value="de">
<enumeration value="dj">
<enumeration value="dk">
<enumeration value="dm">
<enumeration value="do">
<documentation>Dominican Republic.</documentation>
<enumeration value="dz">
<enumeration value="ec">
<enumeration value="ee">
<enumeration value="eg">
<enumeration value="eh">
<documentation>Western Sahara.</documentation>
<enumeration value="er">
<enumeration value="es">
<enumeration value="et">
<enumeration value="eu">
<documentation>European Union.</documentation>
<enumeration value="fi">
<enumeration value="fj">
<enumeration value="fk">
<documentation>Falkland Islands (Malvinas).</documentation>
<enumeration value="fm">
<documentation>Micronesia, Federal State of.</documentation>
<enumeration value="fo">
<documentation>Faroe Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="fr">
<enumeration value="ga">
<enumeration value="gb">
<documentation>United Kingdom.</documentation>
<enumeration value="gd">
<enumeration value="ge">
<enumeration value="gf">
<documentation>French Guiana.</documentation>
<enumeration value="gg">
<enumeration value="gh">
<enumeration value="gi">
<enumeration value="gl">
<enumeration value="gm">
<enumeration value="gn">
<enumeration value="gp">
<enumeration value="gq">
<documentation>Equatorial Guinea.</documentation>
<enumeration value="gr">
<enumeration value="gs">
<documentation>South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="gt">
<enumeration value="gu">
<enumeration value="gw">
<enumeration value="gy">
<enumeration value="hk">
<documentation>Hong Kong.</documentation>
<enumeration value="hm">
<documentation>Heard and McDonald Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="hn">
<enumeration value="hr">
<enumeration value="ht">
<enumeration value="hu">
<enumeration value="id">
<enumeration value="ie">
<enumeration value="il">
<enumeration value="im">
<documentation>Isle of Man.</documentation>
<enumeration value="in">
<enumeration value="io">
<documentation>British Indian Ocean Territory.</documentation>
<enumeration value="iq">
<enumeration value="ir">
<documentation>Iran, Islamic Republic of.</documentation>
<enumeration value="is">
<enumeration value="it">
<enumeration value="je">
<enumeration value="jm">
<enumeration value="jo">
<enumeration value="jp">
<enumeration value="ke">
<enumeration value="kg">
<enumeration value="kh">
<enumeration value="ki">
<enumeration value="km">
<enumeration value="kn">
<documentation>Saint Kitts and Nevis.</documentation>
<enumeration value="kp">
<documentation>Korea, Democratic People's Republic.</documentation>
<enumeration value="kr">
<documentation>Korea, Republic of.</documentation>
<enumeration value="kw">
<enumeration value="ky">
<documentation>Cayman Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="kz">
<enumeration value="la">
<documentation>Lao People's Democratic Republic.</documentation>
<enumeration value="lb">
<enumeration value="lc">
<documentation>Saint Lucia.</documentation>
<enumeration value="li">
<enumeration value="lk">
<documentation>Sri Lanka.</documentation>
<enumeration value="lr">
<enumeration value="ls">
<enumeration value="lt">
<enumeration value="lu">
<enumeration value="lv">
<enumeration value="ly">
<documentation>Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ma">
<enumeration value="me">
<enumeration value="mc">
<enumeration value="md">
<documentation>Moldova, Republic of.</documentation>
<enumeration value="mg">
<enumeration value="mh">
<documentation>Marshall Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="mk">
<documentation>Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ml">
<enumeration value="mm">
<enumeration value="mn">
<enumeration value="mo">
<enumeration value="mp">
<documentation>Northern Mariana Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="mq">
<enumeration value="mr">
<enumeration value="ms">
<enumeration value="mt">
<enumeration value="mu">
<enumeration value="mv">
<enumeration value="mw">
<enumeration value="mx">
<enumeration value="my">
<enumeration value="mz">
<enumeration value="na">
<enumeration value="nc">
<documentation>New Caledonia.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ne">
<enumeration value="nf">
<documentation>Norfolk Island.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ng">
<enumeration value="ni">
<enumeration value="nl">
<enumeration value="no">
<enumeration value="np">
<enumeration value="nr">
<enumeration value="nu">
<enumeration value="nz">
<documentation>New Zealand.</documentation>
<enumeration value="om">
<enumeration value="pa">
<enumeration value="pe">
<enumeration value="pf">
<documentation>French Polynesia.</documentation>
<enumeration value="pg">
<documentation>Papua New Guinea.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ph">
<enumeration value="pk">
<enumeration value="pl">
<enumeration value="pm">
<documentation>Saint Pierre and Miquelon.</documentation>
<enumeration value="pn">
<documentation>Pitcairn Island.</documentation>
<enumeration value="pr">
<documentation>Puerto Rico.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ps">
<documentation>Palestinian Territories.</documentation>
<enumeration value="pt">
<enumeration value="pw">
<enumeration value="py">
<enumeration value="qa">
<enumeration value="re">
<documentation>Reunion Island.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ro">
<enumeration value="rs">
<enumeration value="ru">
<documentation>Russian Federation.</documentation>
<enumeration value="rw">
<enumeration value="sa">
<documentation>Saudi Arabia.</documentation>
<enumeration value="sb">
<documentation>Solomon Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="sc">
<enumeration value="sd">
<enumeration value="se">
<enumeration value="sg">
<enumeration value="sh">
<documentation>Saint Helena.</documentation>
<enumeration value="si">
<enumeration value="sj">
<documentation>Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="sk">
<documentation>Slovak Republic.</documentation>
<enumeration value="sl">
<documentation>Sierra Leone.</documentation>
<enumeration value="sm">
<documentation>San Marino.</documentation>
<enumeration value="sn">
<enumeration value="so">
<enumeration value="sr">
<enumeration value="st">
<documentation>Sao Tome and Principe.</documentation>
<enumeration value="sv">
<documentation>El Salvador.</documentation>
<enumeration value="sy">
<documentation>Syrian Arab Republic.</documentation>
<enumeration value="sz">
<enumeration value="tc">
<documentation>Turks and Caicos Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="td">
<enumeration value="tf">
<documentation>French Southern Territories.</documentation>
<enumeration value="tg">
<enumeration value="th">
<enumeration value="tj">
<enumeration value="tk">
<enumeration value="tl">
<enumeration value="tm">
<enumeration value="tn">
<enumeration value="to">
<enumeration value="tp">
<documentation>East Timor.</documentation>
<enumeration value="tr">
<enumeration value="tt">
<documentation>Trinidad and Tobago.</documentation>
<enumeration value="tv">
<enumeration value="tw">
<enumeration value="tz">
<enumeration value="ua">
<enumeration value="ug">
<enumeration value="uk">
<documentation>United Kingdom.</documentation>
<enumeration value="um">
<documentation>United States Minor Outlying Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="us">
<documentation>United States.</documentation>
<enumeration value="uy">
<enumeration value="uz">
<enumeration value="va">
<documentation>Holy See (Vatican City State).</documentation>
<enumeration value="vc">
<documentation>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ve">
<enumeration value="vg">
<documentation>Virgin Islands, British.</documentation>
<enumeration value="vi">
<documentation>Virgin Islands, US.</documentation>
<enumeration value="vn">
<enumeration value="vu">
<enumeration value="wf">
<documentation>Wallis and Futuna Islands.</documentation>
<enumeration value="ws">
<enumeration value="ye">
<enumeration value="yt">
<enumeration value="yu">
<enumeration value="za">
<documentation>South Africa.</documentation>
<enumeration value="zm">
<enumeration value="zw">
Type for Country Identifier. ISO 3166-1 (2 character ISO code).
<maxLength value="2"/>
<minLength value="2"/>
adapted members structure provide separately below:
Elements for TYPE OF VALUE.
EPIP More types possible, but not explicitly added for now...
Elements for a Day Time Range.
Elements for JOURNEY PART.
Reference Elements for JOURNEY PART.
Time Elements for JOURNEY PART.
Properties of Day. Logically ANDed Together.
Elements for an ADDRESSABLE PLACE.
Elements for an ADDRESSABLE PLACE.
Elements for a SITE ELEMENT.
Elements for a SITE ELEMENT.
Elements for a SITE.
Reference to Organisation.
Common elements of a VERSION FRAME.
Note that this it the "dominant" validity condition. Underlying objects validity are restricted by this validity even if a wider validity is speciified on lower levels...
Elements of a NAVIGATION PATH that summarise properties o the set of PATH LINKs. Will state the strictest constraint found . e.g. if any link forbids wheelchair, the NAVIGATION PATH forbids wheelchair.
Elements for Service time.
Elements for INTERCHANGE TRANSFER duration.
Elements for INTERCHANGE.
Elements of a JOURNEY HEADWAY Interval.
Elements of a SITE LEVEL.
Elements for a PASSENGER CAPACITY REQUIREMENT. relevant for passenger systems.
Elements for a PASSENGER CAPACITY REQUIREMENT. relevant for passenger systems.
Prooprty Elements for a VEHICLE TYPE.
DimensionElements for a VEHICLE TYPE.
Elements specifying Requirement properties of VEHICLE TYPE. Vehicle should satisfy these requirements.
Elements for a TRAIN COMPONENT.
Mobility limitations.
Group of sensory limitations.
The SITE CONNECTION is similar to the CONNECTION but describes the physical (spatial) possibility for a passenger to go from a site (STOP PLACE or POINT OF INTEREST in the EPIP) to another.
EPIP: If not provided assume any Quay.
Elements for a Rhythmical JOURNEY GROUP.
Elements for an ADDRESS.
Elements for a ROAD ADDRESS.
Elements for a POSTAL ADDRESS.
Detailed properties of a SITE ELEMENT.
Properties of a SITE ELEMENT with respect to adjacent features.
Element for TRAIN.
Facilities that apply to services and sites.
List of Facilities.
Facilities that apply to services.
Elements for a SITE FACILITY.
Facilities that apply to SITEs.
Facilities that apply to SITEs.
All Sub Modes.
PT Transport Sub Modes.
Non PT Road Submodes.
Elements of a SITE ENTRANCE.
Elements for a POINT ON LINK.
Elements for a POINT.